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I use my love for

feminist strategies and creative expression

to help funders and activists

design their work and practice in a

unique and authentic way.

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I've worked with women's funds for more than a decade and have done a lot of everything - from grantmaking to fundraising, from writing op-eds to managing operations.

I am at my best when I get to create something with others.

There are two ways I can do this:

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In the struggle against systemic oppressions and violence, we can bring joy, texture, and meaning to our daily work by centering art and design in our communication and expression.

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From young feminists to Cambodian-Americans, from funders to sex workers, I help communities see the bigger picture of where they want to go and how to get there collectively.


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Here are some of the things I'm currently creating with other people -

from solidarity campaigns, consultancy collective, from practicing governance to nurturing the love of music

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